Saturday, May 14, 2016

Getting a Driver's License in Korea for Foreigners (shortened version, Part 1)

This is my attempt to write a shorter version on how get a Korean driver's license. (I had previously written a few more-detailed entries of my own experience but this one is a waaay shorter entry.)

This is for a total newbie.

I. The most straight-forward way is find a driving school that will accommodate your limited Korean-language skills. Some are not that willing to take on the risk of miscommunication that might result to an accident. 

Driving school academy (437, 800W) which includes the following:

  • 1 hour video plus 4 hours lecture with lunch break (but lunch expense is not included) 
  • theoretical test that includes a drive going to and fro the testing center
  • 1 hour hands-on training for the technical skills test
Then if you passed both test,
  • 6 hours road practice for all the 4 courses for the test
Separate testing fees will be needed as follows: 
computerized written test - 7, 500 W 
technical skills test -  37, 500 W (?)
road test - 55, 000 W

Any additional hour of practice you need before you take the road driving test will cost another 55,000/hr. So you either use that 55K to practice two courses or risk it to take the test which you may complete the whole course or barely get out to the road and still fail. It's all up to one's level of confidence. 

II. Semi-DIY. This is an alternative to save on that almost half a million dough. 

You will need: 
  • driving test reviewer book
  • which may or not come with a DVD - the DVD will be helpful to view videos that may show up in the test (usually 2 questions)
  • youtube videos 
  • car
So for the computerized written test, one can actually do a self-review using the review materials. But attending or watching a lecture may be more helpful for some people depending on one's learning style. 

As for the technical test, youtube videos will help but an actual hands-on is definitely the way to go. How do you go about that? Hi-jack a car, maybe one that comes with someone willing to give you the basics in operating a car or simply risk it and figure out how to work it. (More info on the test details here.)

Basically, one should be able to figure out and perform the following on cue:

  • start the car while holding down the foot brake
  • release parking brake
  • change from P to D
  • use the windshield wiper (turn on and off)
  • use the turn signals (turn on, turn left and right)
  • use the headlights (high and low beams)
  • what to do on emergency (hit the foot brake and the emergency signal)
  • drive the car (without the use of accelerator) for 50 m
  • turn off the ignition
  • change from D to P and 
  • set the parking brake

All of the above done with the seat belt on or else!

The computerized written test might will definitely have an English version or other language for that matter. Just make sure you choose the language you are most comfortable with so it will be easier to negate some vague translations. 

The technical test, on the other hand, will have lesser chances of an English version available. It will most likely be in Korean. The instructions are pretty simple though but you have to train your ears on the cues of what and when to execute it. The driving instructor told me to listen for "yo." And remember the to keep the seat belt on from the start until you hear, "hapgyuk imnida" or until the instructor shouts at you to get out of there.   

To be continued...

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