Saturday, May 14, 2016

Driving Lessons: Part 5

Take 2! That's how far I had to go to get the passing score of 76. I wish I could have done better but I didn't realize that it would be easy to get 10 points deductions from the starting point of 100. It's a blessing that I had to take the same course D which I also did last time.

This I saw when I sat behind during another test-taker's turn. We started off all right and she managed to complete the test. She still failed with only 60 points left on her side. She lost ten big points at the corner when she was about to turn left heading into the thoroughfare but was in the 3rd lane instead of the first. She also forgot to go neutral while waiting at the signal light. Another deduction made was when she was turning left from the first lane and ended up in the second lane after the turn. That is textbook mistake. The same thing as hitting the brakes very sharply at the start. The testing instructor pointed these out after the test. Fortunately, I learned something from her mistakes.

When it was my turn, the traffic light was red and it was just a fraction second to decide to go for it and follow the two cars ahead of me. First hurdle done. Now, on to the going-straight at a bit of speed. My next big hurdle is going back later to the big road where I made the mistake last week. I made it coz but I think there was a bit of glitch when I changed lane after turning. I might not have hit the turn signal long enough before I actually made a turn because I was keen on just taking the opportunity to do so while there was no car coming up from behind me.

Another tricky part in course D is the corner between two banks. That is basically the second corner after turning right but there's usually a car park at that corner and another one coming out to join my lane. Which is really not so cool coz I had to change lanes and do the signals in such a short time with other vehicles waiting behind me. Sharp senses, and quick decision-making without breaking any law or hurting anyone or anything for that matter are really the underlining points in driving. That is a challenge that makes driving fun as a beginner!

The driver's license will be available for pick-up next Tuesday after 5 according to the lady after I pay for it. Time and that 7,500 W are what's left standing between me and that driver's license. My birth month goal is almost close to completion.

I can get back to my Korean language learning now with that driving thing behind me.

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