Thursday, March 10, 2016

Project 2. Start.

If I were to describe my hobbies lately, the list will go like this:
reading, listening to audio book, watching TV series, surfing the net for my other hobbies like baking, gardening and knitting and blogging about it.

Since I am now ready to move on to my new project, which is going to be finished by my birthday, I will have to plan what I will make with it.
I have 2 balls of dark gray yarn I got for 10K (50% discount) waiting for me.
I've been thinking about making another neck warmer but I already have a semi-gray one which I got from uniqlo so I'm reconsidering to try to venture to a a scowl or wider infinity scarf this time. But that would mean it will need more balls. Hmm..planning, planning, planning. Well let it rest at that for the time being.

Update (March 19)
So here is how far I've done as of today. 20 rows. I've only done a bit today.  I've actually done this much since last week coz I pulled it out and restarted from  zero since I found an extra row on one side but not on the other side. And when I tried to fix it, I ended up adding another one. I certainly hope it won't happen again. 
My target is to do ten rows every week. It took me almost an hour to do that last time while watching Doc Martin. With about 60 stitches per row, it's taking a little while to get through a row. I've decided to go for a wider infinity scarf for now. Or it might end up as a wider neck warmer. It depends if I get sick of working on this later that I might look for another color. I'm looking at going for 120 rows. After doing a bit of math, it should be finished ony birthday. Haha!
As for the yarn, the two balls I bought initially for a neck scarf will definitely not be enough. I may need an extra one or two which would prolly set me back another 10 k if I get it at 50% discount again. We'll see. I might change my mind half-way. 

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