Friday, December 11, 2015

Article Re-post: Korean Unis News

a. SNU at No. 1 in university survey

University rankings
"In the survey, two types of university assessments were conducted: one was a comprehensive assessment of four-year colleges with four or more faculty departments, including humanities, social science, engineering, natural science, medicine, art, music and physical education, while the other appraised different education methods. "
Next year, 197 universities in Korea will select fewer students in the regular admissions process and more in the early admissions process. 

About 32.5 percent will be accepted during regular admissions, down 2.3 percent from the 34.8 percent this year, making it the lowest rate in history. 

The change is just one of the terms outlined last week by the Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) for regular university admissions in 2016. 

It is set to see the number of students selected through regular admissions decrease from 127,569 to 116,162.

The KCUE said the reductions were based on increasing early admissions quotas and a drop in the overall number of incoming freshmen. 

The majority of students (86.7 percent) accepted through the regular admissions process will enter university based on their College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) scores. 

Of the remainder, about 11.7 percent will be accepted based on practical skills tests, 1.2 percent judged on comprehensive high school records like extracurricular activities, personal statements and interviews, and 0.4 percent based on academics. 

“In the 2016 CSAT, the Korean language, mathematics and English sections are likely to be easy. So the social and natural science sections will become more influential and decisive factors [in college admissions],” said Lee Young-duk, who heads the Daesung Intensive Clinic. “Therefore, students should check beforehand which sections the universities they are applying to focus on.” 

Students accepted during early admissions or who are put on waiting lists cannot apply for regular admissions.

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