Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Moving Up to a High School in Korea

(15 Minutes. That is all that I have to write whatever in on my mind lately.)

This is just a SotM (State of the Mind) write up on how we are going with the upcoming phase in my son's academic life.

This month is the start of the application period for the high school that we are eyeing for my son. This was not really something out of the blue since this particular school has been an additional point of us moving to this side of the country. But through the following years, the reality of not being able to get in or even just trying has not been particularly encouraging. For one, my son has not been that keen on his academics as most Korean straight-A kids are because we started him here on a laid-back approach to first learn the language.

Middle School came a bit of a panic as some parents are already starting attending High School orientation programs even if the kids have just started middle school. Non-Korean me is basically clueless and a bit appalled at the idea and my Korean husband is not really quite helpful. By the time the 2nd and 3rd (final year of MS) came around, our son's grades has not really shot up to stellar levels that a fancy high school requires. Only one thing that is consistent is the English one which will be a no-brainer since that is his first language at home.

We had tried to gather bits of info about the intake system but the local MS he is at was not really very encouraging at all because of his "numbers" (aka grades) at school. I had to directly go to the High School admission office to get first hand information. That, itself, was another emotional experience that might be in another post.

My husband finally got around to really looking into the details and chances of admission as the date came nearer. The month is finally here. We are still behind the essay part since it's really harder to get my son writing as he grew older. The only good thing is he has chosen to do try for admission at least. We just need to work more for the whole process to end in a total admission into the school.

I happen to chat a bit with a few non-Korean moms a few days ago who had older kids and asked how did their kids transitioned from MS to HS, starting from choosing and getting into HS. My worry level this month is pretty high so I wondered about how other parents went through it. This is not exactly Sky Castle level (if you know the K Drama that I mean) but my question was met like, they didn't had to worry much. Their kids told them, "don't worry, I got this." Or their kids' simply followed where their friends were heading, which is usually to the most basic high school around. Either that these parents are clueless, or just so laid-off on their kids' academic life. One thing that a Korean mom - friend that I know is neither though. She's the one who suggested ideas for me to attend such and such where I am usually the only southeast Asian mom who shows up.

Looking further into these specialized school, we've learned a bit to encourage us enough to really try. We believe that there is a place for our son in that school. It might need a little more effort that just signing up with a name but it can make a big life difference. There are opportunities that one just have to recognize and act on it. Getting into it might also mean extra monthly expenses for the next three years but we will be able to do it even if that would mean more work hours. But that is putting the cart before the horse.

Our goal until the end of next month is to get admission. I have no idea what other people did before or how they think but we will press on. I will try to document the process in case someone in the future might find this information helpful.

Year 1 MS: Get those stellar grades, specially on the subjects that matter, depending on the school of choice. Rake up the volunteer hours doing meaningful works. Start attending (solmyeonghae) to get direct information on such.
Sept - Nov: Attend the latest Solmyeonghae or get the final info on the specific dates for the process for the current year (application period, interview, docs needed like report cards, etc.)
Dec.: Finish the self-intro essay.
Week 2 : Submission of documents. First level results based on docs.
Week 3 : Submission of essay. Interview.
Jan. Week 1. Right after new year, Level 2 results.

This is the main deal. Pass this! The following weeks will be completing the final documents and such before the end of the month for the announcement of who will be the official freshmen for the next school year.

When all of these are completed, you got the month of February to chill and prep for the March school year to start. Sometime between these weeks will be getting the freshies supply ready for the dorm life in high school: uniform, clothes, beddings, personal effects (whatever that may be) and of course, mental and inner strength to face the unknown for the next few weeks at least.

11AM. One hour. I sure cannot stop writing once I get started. Signing off now. 

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