Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Rebel Singer/Songwriters

Jason Mraz and Sarah Bareilles. Too Much Food and Love Song. When they start singing about a song for their record labels, that's when I sit up and listen. I'll put it in a loop play.

I've rediscovered Jason Mraz's music today through a song that was released last called "Have It All." While digging deeper on his playlist, I found a couple more songs that I actually liked. I don't know if they are that popular but I just happen to like them. It reminded me of the first song that I heard from this guy a few years ago called "I'm Yours." Well, that turned out to be a popular one but I heard and liked it before I found that out. I am never really the kind to follow trends but sometimes, there are reasons why things become trends.

So now, I will have a few more distractions from my KLL (Korean language learning) as I try to put these songs on my playlist.

Living in the Moment
Three Things
Back to the Earth
It Only Takes A Taste
and more

I really like his choice of words (san the curse words), the general themes and of course, the sounds itself.

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