Thursday, April 11, 2019

Lines to Live By as Inspired by Nike's Just Do it! Campaign

If you don't know, ask.

If you want to know about something, do not hesitate to ask the right the person.

Most people are inherently good and you will always find someone who might be willing to help.

Have a goal and find ways! Sometimes, there's more than one way to get there. You only need to find which way will work for you to get to the goal. It's just like navigating the road. Just make sure you know where you're going in the first place.

It's okay to be different or to be seen as weird as long as you are not stepping on someone's toes.

Always have sincere and good intention and the world will push back the same to you.

If there's something that you want to do or accomplish (something good) that may seem impossible, just try it with your best effort. At least, you can look back to it and not regret that you didn't even try.

Just do it so you won't regret for not trying at all especially if that something can make you a better person.

That is my current mindset. Just try to do it!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Essay Mills

This article instantly reminded me of a couple of instances when I inadvertently committed one of a every writer's low point. While trying to help, I had this nagging feeling at the back of my mind that I shouldn't be doing that. It was never a monetary reason as that would not appeal to me but more on the part of being able to help someone --- through the wrong way. I will not write any essay or book report for someone else again especially if that someone is a student. 

Helping people and writing are quite a draw for me but I will have to find other ways to do both without the guilt.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Rebel Singer/Songwriters

Jason Mraz and Sarah Bareilles. Too Much Food and Love Song. When they start singing about a song for their record labels, that's when I sit up and listen. I'll put it in a loop play.

I've rediscovered Jason Mraz's music today through a song that was released last called "Have It All." While digging deeper on his playlist, I found a couple more songs that I actually liked. I don't know if they are that popular but I just happen to like them. It reminded me of the first song that I heard from this guy a few years ago called "I'm Yours." Well, that turned out to be a popular one but I heard and liked it before I found that out. I am never really the kind to follow trends but sometimes, there are reasons why things become trends.

So now, I will have a few more distractions from my KLL (Korean language learning) as I try to put these songs on my playlist.

Living in the Moment
Three Things
Back to the Earth
It Only Takes A Taste
and more

I really like his choice of words (san the curse words), the general themes and of course, the sounds itself.