Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Driving Log Part 3 SEpt

Driving Log Part 3

Sept. 3 I had the car scratched pretty badly again. I had to go out to the mart and my BIL's place to pick up some stuff around 9 pm. Since the second place pick up is going to be a soup, I decided to do the mart first. I forgot that it is still early and a cool day at that, and it will be a busy time.

I thought it was supposed to be a quick run to mart mart, and so did a lot of the Koreans. THe parking lot is full. I spotted a good one very near which I had more than once tried but was always filled. So I grabbed it at once. Problem was there was also another car that thought about the quick run (or just simply jerk) and parked perpendicular two meters across, thus making it totally impossible for me to get out. It was really frustrating coz I was trying to make the mart-stop and pick-up quick so I can go back home, sleep early prep for my whole day Korean class the next day. I tried to squeeze my way out but of course it was impossible. I scratched the passenger side door again. This time at the corner of the delivery truck. It wasn't not a good sight, I can imagine, but I dare not to get out of the car. I just wanted out from that parking lot. Fortunately, the delivery guy saw me, paged the driver and out this tall guy came. The delivery guy kind a scolded him and at this time, I tried to wiggle out and prepare once he drives out but boy was the tall guy really a jerk. Instead of being apologetic, he got angry and started to raise his voice. Come on! Just move it! I feel like wanting to shout. THis Korean's tempers really are something. The delivery guy it seemed blamed hm or mentioned about me scratching the my car because of him, or so I gathered. Of course, he had to to be angry about the "unfairness" of being blamed, I think and started arguing. Good thing, the mart guy finally realized it was useless arguing with this jerk and just get him move his car. The delivery guy is way shorter than him although I think he has fighting chance in terms of strenght since he's used to hauling boxes in the mart. I have to thank the guy as he was just doing his job of gettting rid of that bulky car (an SUV) and it's jerk-of-a-driver. 

I've heard Koreans argue loudly before but this was a single time so far that I had this feeling of not being able to get away from there since I was in the car. For a moment, I thought about calling for police. It was just an added stress to see these two Korean guys arguing in front of me. I'm not really used to such. Now that I think of it, I'm not really used to people who argue loudly, only to a nagging mom. :) But no, that isn't just me or my mom, I've heard my neighbors as well at one point in my younger life.  

Sept. 26
I had some errand to do at the County Office so I got the chance to drive to there for the first time today. That area is a bit of a challenge for me coz it is a small two-lane-road but with an entrance/exit to a highway where most big trucks take. Just as I've expected, there were two trucks crossing under highway as I was approaching and another one emerging out of it right after I passed it that I even had to give way to it since it was running faster than me. And then, there were numerous speed bumps and tight curves and a small bridge at one point at even. It was a pretty busy time (around 10 am) so I sure got my share at that area. It would be interesting if I get used to that kind of challenge as it is also where I can take yoga classes again. I used to take the bus last year but perhaps, I can try driving myself to class now. I gotta be brave! Hmm..One more note though: I totally went to the opposite lane (the right turn of the opposite road) around Shinil Apt today. I was blank for a second until I realized that I should be on the right side of the yellow line. Good thing it wasn't a busy time around there and there was no oncoming car except for one a bit far off and another one behind me. Another facepalm moment but I was behind the wheel and all I do was grin sheepishly to myself.  

So far, I've already taken the wider highway (6-lanes) three Sundays due to my Sunday classes. But I am not ye familiar with it coz I'm still afraid to miss my turn. That was one thing I've looked at as plus point when I signed for this Sunday schedule -- to be able to get a feel of highway driving on a regular basis for practice. It all still sound fun. It's easy to combat dullness in driving. All you need to do is change your route. I've driven into a couple of wrong turns a few times and it's just got exciting. I even chauffeured my hubs around once last week when we went libray hopping. (That's my kind of thing.) We went to the three libraries in the area and I had to scout the regular parking space the minute I got off the car after parking in the special area. I have to know the layout of the parking spaces for a newbie like me. There are still a couple more of libraries in the city so maybe there might be a chance to do a part two one day. 

Goal posts:
Sept.: try Cheonan tomorrow?
Oct: try expressway going to Oeam folk town..that should be interesting
Nov - 
Dec. - driving on a snowy day, during and after one

Monday, September 26, 2016

Pensieve Sept

H had finally looked into welfare benefits today. He sent me to pick up the documents to apply but because of my meager-income generating gigs, he seems to say that we may not be qualified for such. Oh, yeah. It seems he's blaming me again. Saying that since I'm earning, I should be the one supporting the family. That it's my turn. That, since we're family, I should do that. I should help him. Help him what?? To be a bum?

If I would foot the bills, he totally won't be forced to find an income. Just like he did for more 7 years when we were living in my hometown, rent-free. He seemed to be satisfied to sell his stocks bit by bit for our living expenses. Yes, we managed to live like that for years when we were there. We scrimped and lived alright. But there what you call my own yearning for financial freedom. I want to be able to do and get some stuff which he won't/isn't willing to provide for so I have to get a couple of source of income. I am fine with that. But with a growing kid that I would like to be able to provide for better, and my own needs as well, I decided to convince them to be back here.

As expected, I am able to get a few jobs by God's grace and earning a bit. The sad thing is, my husband has none since we've been here for the last two years. A few months that he had a chance, he chose to quit. My BIL has been giving him chances a few times but he never really took the bait to work them out. I can totally hear his sigh of exasperation as I hear my own frustration. A few months ago, hubs had asked me to foot the bills. I had been covering the groceries since I started earning a bit so this is an additional one which I really feel I should refuse for the sake of my sanity. Why? If somebody covers the grocery, and foots the bills, I don't think he would get his butt off to find a source of income other that his depleting stocks-for-sale.

That was the straw. After a few emotional outbursts, and tortures, we sat down and I explained why I am not giving in to those bills. It got him a bit and even suggested a divorce. Oh right! You're playing right into my hands. But no..that's not my game. It's gonna be a lose-lose thing if we do now. There's another way if he'd only work on something. I pray.

He came up with selling his car in order to pay the bills. I said I cannot afford that. Then he decided to study for the civil service test that can get him a job if he pass. Thing is he needs money to buy the books to prepare for that. He offered to sell his car to me again in installment basis. I tried to weigh it out. He's got a job plan at least, and I'm using the car anyway, so I shelled out the 250. That's another tricky thing as the car ownership name will still be his since it has still some benefits if it remains so. I may lose out on this --- again. My son says I should just buy my own.
It's more complicated than that.

So he finally looks into government welfare. He has to submit all our bank accounts to do so and that would mean it will show that I am supposedly earning enough to support ourselves. Yeah, right. That can be possible but that's not what I want. I don't want to be the sole breadwinner. I am all for working women but I grew up seeing my father work his hands off to provide for us. My mom helps but it's still my dad who is the main provider. To see it otherwise now is totally frustrating. So I'm doing what I think I should so it will not stay this long.  And I get to be blamed for this now.

Emotional attack but I try to keep my head in check. I won't lose it. I just hope that he pass that test and get a job. Once he's in, my next is to prepare him when he is forced to retire from the government in just a couple of years. I just hope that he won't pass it on his son to be the breadwinner at that time coz P would still be underage by that time.

To let this all out, I just have to write it all.  And perhaps google for some info into this matter.
Wife breadwinner tips from huffington
3. If you’re angry or resentful, find a way to get to the bottom of it. You’ll want to figure out what’s behind your frustration. Is it that you think your husband should be doing more to find work or to get a higher-paying job? You’d like to work less feverishly but feel you have no choice because you and your spouse need the income? You believe your husband should do more to help out in other ways? You’re still harboring a grudge because you think he didn’t pull his weight on childcare duties when your kids were younger? Or might there be deeper marital issues at play?
One exercise Mellan suggests is writing out your feelings in a letter to your husband but not showing it to him. Then, imagine the note he’d write back with his point of view and write that one, too.
I'm ok about earning more. But not about earning alone.

“Convey a positive attitude and sense of teamwork showing that ‘we’re in this together,’”

Use a “mirroring” exercise to help couples have this discussion. Each plays back what the other says without editorial comment. This technique builds more empathy and compassion.

7. Break the tension by finding ways to have fun.
NY Mag 
Alpha Women, Beta Men

First, the wife starts to lose respect for her husband, then he begins to feel emasculated, and then sex dwindles to a full stop.

There's hope.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Phone Cable Dilemma --- Convenience Store to the Rescue

My knock-off phone cable has been acting strangely for about a few weeks ago. I've checked for possible replacement online and was ready to buy online since last week. But then, before doing that, I thought about checking an offline store at first. That proved to be an unfortunate choice because I couldn't find any store that sells it. It's a bit outdated so it's a little bit hard to find, I thought. I figured I need to find a replacement before we head out on the road this holidays. What I didn't count in was that online deliveries will be super delayed with the holidays coming!

Sunday came and I really had a hard time charging my phone during the whole day that I was out. My phone can only last until afternoon on regular use but it just can't with the heavy translating during Korean class. Good thing that I got my chromebook set up in the local wifi so I was able to use the online translation there. The phone miraculously found it's sweet spot and started charging. But boy! It was very frustrating to connect that thing to the lappy to charge. 

I am getting desperate to find the cable offline more than ever. But I haven't able to after class coz I just had to attend to my body needs, bathroom plus I had my monthly period and all, that I just went home right away. 

6500 KRW
The next day came and I am really getting desperate each hour. I decided to really find it before the day ends. I asked a local young adult student where I can possibly find one and she told me to check out convenience store. I'm like "really?" Even though there's one nearby, I decided to go downtown since the downtown ones would more likely stock up varied stuff and to pick up other stuff as well. After checking out DC marts, Daiso and a small phone accessory shop, I almost gave up until I remembered my last hope. I headed to the best location on the intersection and browsed the store. It wasn't hard to find at all. There it was on a corner a cable brand with all the cables neatly arranged together, even color-coded to easily find the price. It has various kinds and sizes which anyone would ever need in a pinch. I didn't know convenience stores were this cool!

The price is a little bit more than what you can find online. I was eyeing something more multi-functional online at about the same price but the availability and the sturdiness-look of this one makes up for the difference. It's flat cable and some pink part so I'm hoping this will be worth it's price before I change my phone a few years later. Procrastinating cost a steeper price.

Just this Sunday, I also had to do a quick run there to buy a pair of cotton gloves since I forgot to bring one of the three that I have up on the 10th floor. It was a life-saver since I still have to drive a bit more later the day on a sunny day.

So, if there's a random thing needed to buy, I think a convenience store should always be checked out. I got my gloves, and my replacement cable. What a relief!

Thursday, September 8, 2016


English is still the dominant language in our home. My 12 year-old son has
reacquired the Korean one since he was 9 after being away (we left when
he was 3). His dad almost never spoke Korean with him at that time. I tried introducing my own language when he was 6 but it wasn't really much. He can understand well and speak a bit before we moved back here but almost lost the speaking skill now. I think, it's really more on putting priority and giving the proper exposure.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Driving Diaries: Driving Practice Alone (July 2016)

July 1
Driving on a rainy day during daytime. It was a short ride from the library to home so it was just a good taste for me to practice. Milestones, milestones. I would have liked to pushed it some more later that night driving another route from our place to my 8 pm class but with three odds against me, new route, rainy and night driving, I decided to opt out. I'll have to try one or two of them first before pushing my limit to three. My hubs gave me a ride and I watched him drive and took mental notes. I feel confident that my mental state should be ready on my next try.

What I remember is I can do 1st gear after I get out of the tunnel and start heading down to the next traffic light. Then, I can go back to D. So basically, gear 1 for the stronger engine break when going down or when it's a bit slippery. My guess. :( Let's see if I can manage to do that soon. 

My worries about driving in the rain has been a bit eased up with my husbands car since it's an automatic. The lights and windshield wiper did it's job without me having to fiddle with it. I would better try it next time. Just an idea now, I'll train my hands to find the controls without looking. I need to be able to feel comfortable adjusting such without having to look for it while driving coz I know how even just a second would count that can be risky. On to my list! 

July 2

For now, I've covered quite a bit this week. That's almost a wrap for June and it's time to set the new ones for this month of July. So what's for this coming months?

Let me see...quick recap and outline for the next ones.
April to May - driving school and license (license and parallel parking at the driving school center)
June - buddy driving, driving alone and bay parking (being more familiar with steering wheel angles and reversing)
July: blindfold panel training for rainy day driving, try new route (KTX area, my Sunday workplace alone), figure out parallel parking

Aug.: downtown driving, then maybe next town with a bit more traffic
Oct: try expressway (find out how to do the blinking lights, I think that is the emergency one I learned for the test) New route: folk town,
Nov - 
Dec. - driving on a snowy day, during and after one

For this month, I really need to figure out parallel parking in a place where not only with box and a plant as cues. Then, also practice more of bayparking, timed. Right now, I can at least do three tries at best. What I have to take note is not all cars are parked parallel to the parking slot lines. I have to make an initial assessment of the left and right cars' parking and keep an eye on both side mirrors whenever I reverse back into any space.  
On a list mode:
  1. parallel parking
  2. timed bay parking
  3. learn the controls blindfolded

How will do these objectives? (*teacher mode)
  1. check out youtube videos and TAKE DOWN NOTES!
  2. do mental test, before hands-on practice (stationary)
  3. do moving practice
  4. final one, real life goal

5PM: From home to the fake lake. Note: Piboho - cross safely when it's green for me, and the opposite oncoming lane is empty. Had the what-should-I-do-here moment before going in the parking lot. 

July 3
I drove to Mc Do with my son today. I took the library- City hall route since the best approach to the store is from the right. The straight route would have saved me some distance and gas but I wasn't sure of a U turn in the 5-Intersection, plus I don't want to risk such uncharted route with my son on board. Going back home, it was almost also a new one for me behind the wheel but since it's a very familiar bus route for me, I felt that I can wing it. I got honk at once though when I hesitated before the right turn in subway station since there were a few big vehicles parked on the corner where I should obviously chance my turn even with the red light on. 

I've also made some decent lane changes albeit a bit awkward. I'm slowly learning how to gauge other cars speed. Boy, if I had known driving was this fun here. It's a never ending challenge for my relatively moderate adrenaline rush existence. (yeah, right) I've got this feeling that it will totally be different driving experience in my own country.

I'm slowly gaining confidence to try the under-the-bridge route soon so that I can save on gas going uphill just to have a traffic light to use. The last time I tried that was with my husband and it wasn't that smooth. He had to direct me when the timing was right since I was still lost at gauging other car's speed as well as which mirror to check it. And boy, I had wanted to take my time and try to decide that on my own. Soon, I will try that. I might try to time the traffic lights at the top of the hill and figure out when the left turn heading inward my area are coming. That will be pretty tricky though so my best bet is perfecting the timing to join a motorway.

One weak point that I have to check myself also is making my mirror checking just a fraction of second. I have the tendency to lose sight of the front coz I get stuck checking out the center and far right side mirror. That is not healthy. Outright dangerous!

So that's about it for today.  Thank God for another safe driving day. 
June 30
Drove to O Station, parked for 2 hours which cost me 2900. I also almost hit the booth after taking the ticket because I forgot to turn my steering wheel to the opposite direction after pausing to get the ticket.

Then, brave enough to go to another Station to update my ACR. Then dropped by at a big mart. Parked at an outdoor parking lot and scraped a small Kia on my way out of the slot. Not that good day.

Note to self:
  • straighten up the wheel after turning in a booth
  • move about more than half of the car before turning and keep checking the side mirrors when pulling out

Driving Diaries: Practice Buddy (June 2016)

June 3
We refueled today just barely two weeks after we did. Almost twice as fast if I didn't use the car for practice on the parking lot. This made me think twice and hesitate on going to that parking lot to burn fuel and money just to practice. Save for the exact turning of the steering wheels, I can possibly practice better on the real road. So I didn't really head out just to practice. 

June 7
I drove to the children's library this afternoon. My game plan now is to get my practice on the road while going to 

June 16 
*Alone from other apt. to nearby and back to our own apartment around later afternoon. Visibility is still okay as it is summer and the sun sets late.

June  24
From Hyunchungsa to Home
That's the farthest I've driven so far, still with my husband though. I've done going to the library a couple of times now but I have to take the bridge with a traffic light and avoiding the one joining the traffic after the bridge because it is still hard for me to do so. 

I was able to drive alone around the apartment to the nearest mart last week for the first time after my SIL insisted that I should practice driving  more. It was so exhilarating to get into the parking lot and park all by myself. At first, I resorted to parking on the SA parking slot. It's nearest and wider than the usual. The second time, I've gathered enough guts to park in the regular ones since there was enough space between an SUV and a small car. It was a bit tricky getting out and being able to figure out if there another car just about to pass.  I've been to the mart alone and that was was my feat last week.

I've also driven twice from the other apt. to ours late night after husband drank some alcohol. I pretty much think he can still drive but it was a chance for me to drive after dark. It was a little different indeed. 

The latest one was last night and it was slightly raining and is waaay different. Night time and raining. Double jeopardy. Driving on a rainy day is not a walk in the park. The risks are higher coz side mirrors are obstructed, there will be the windshield wiper running and the windows may be fogged up thus lesser or zero visibility from the back mirror. Not to mention that the sounds from outside can be more muted. Training, familiarity and experience are needed to safely function with obstructed sensory. 

My drive to the Hyonchungsa today was a bit better with almost sunny skies. It was a totally new route that I've wanted to explore since it is almost near my Sunday work location. I think I can try to persuade hubs to let me drive to work this weekend. We managed to get an insurance extension for me starting today for cheap. I just hope that it doesn't only insure my fingers. My husband is not that keen on reading the fine line in documents sometimes. 

Oh well, it's time to place goal posts for the next month. I'll try to work hard and get as much of driving hours behind me this year before we get snowed. I might as well keep a record of km I've driven from now on. Lets see  how much I can accrue this year. I need to be able to get myself familiar with the different regular routes for me with my husband beside before I can drive by myself. 
Sigh! Sounds like a tall order but that is the distant goal.
So for my goals this coming months in terms of driving: 
(shadow driving)
1. Drive alone to library. 
2. Drive from city hall area to Dong il. 
June 29
Drive alone to the library, check. 
Although I still have to get back home safely later. I'm tempted to try driving to Dong il to try to scout my route. 

2 PM. Just got back! Safe and sound! It took me roughly 15 minutes both ways, including the time-consuming parking. I need to time my parking skills next time. At least I can check on the dashboard from what time I pull in the parking area until I turn off the ignition. 

Too bad I didn't try my extended route. Give it a few more days. I'm just not feeling very up to it today since I was a bit hungry and sleepy so I didn't want to push it. There was nobody to complain beside me and push me to speed up. It was cool, not having the extra pressure, aside from the other cars around me. I was able to practice checking around me, the mirrors, and even didn't miss cancelling the turn signals. I just had to go at my own pace. 

I made it to Dong Il safely. I almost had a problem parking at the near the recycling area but Someone sent a guardian angel who helped me fit into the tight spot. A couple saw me when I was getting in and overshot a bit. When I was starting to shoot for a slot, the guy came over and guided me in the slot. 
I ended up parking very close to the driver's side but it was no biggie coz I can easily slide over to the passenger seat and get out. So there, I managed to get from point B to C and even dropped by at the the spacious parking lot of Mc Donalds for a burger and a bathroom stopover. 

Heading back home was pretty cool with clear night and not-so-busy roads, even though I fervently prayed for that before heading out of the parking lot. One more route tried out today. Hurray!

Driving Diaries: Practice Buddy (May 2016)

Driving Practice Log 1

Wed: May 18
Goal for the month accomplished! 
Got my DL card today!

I now have another year to practice a bit while saving to buy my own car (unless my husband would totally lend me his car). 

5/20 - 1 hour, turning around, after lunch class
H. Almost freaked out when he let me pull out from a busy parking lot. He had no idea I was totally clueless on reversing. I managed to do so anyway. I did a round and reverse at the end. 

5/26 - 2 hrs. reversing, parking, after lunch class 
Went with Pilip to practice and got a bit more on reversing this time. H was even was pushing me to go out of the parking lot. 
*more theoretical videos, pen outline, notes about bay parking and parallel
5/27 - H also had me drive on my way to work today when I mentioned it on the spur of the moment. It was the shorter route but I chickened out on the last minute. I gotta feel more confident on my reverse (I'm getting anal on that, idkwhy) as well as getting out of the bigger and busier streets. 

5/29 Sun, 2 hours (5:45 - 7:15)
Drove from our apt. complex parking lot to the Children's lib, then to the Green Tower. My hubs definitely helped a lot as extra eyes, prodding on and to speed up. I had three cars behind me at the overpass, and even the taxi honked loudly at me. No dirty looks that I've noticed.

I've been practicing more turning at a good speed without braking as much as possible but I still have a long way to go. My hubs still tells me that I seem to almost stop at turns. I must admit that I'm not confident at turning without breaks yet and that's even without hitting the accelerator. I just have to take it slowly to build my confidence. Luckily, we found a good place nearby with a decent road turns and less traffic on certain hours. There's a dirt patch for parking, a half-empty parking lot with crazy bay parking angles, and a brand new parking lot that looks a bit similar to the driving school course minus the steep part. That last parking lot was really the perfect place to practice my turning and parking. 

Speaking of parking, I managed to do two successful bay parking at 45 degrees angle today after watching that trick on youtube today. I've been hoping to do that the last time but it just didn't work in the other parking lot. The trick I did today was to stop at the third line from the space I am aiming for when it reaches my shoulder view. Then, do a full turn to whichever side I was going to park in. It ended up right into the slot. It worked! I would play around with it for now, but gotta keep in mind that if I want to try my Dad's pick up truck later, I would have to check out other ways to butt park. 

More videos to watch to take notes of and fuel to burn...this is starting to get more fun every day. :) Just have to pray more every time we head out coz the risk gets higher with each level.

Driving Diaries: Intro

My driving log will now migrate here from the inotes. 
I've kept it on inotes since it was easier to access but it has grown quite a bit so it's about time.

There are previous entries on the "Driving Lessons" which I have posted before I got the license.

I'll break it down into series and according to months.

First one is a Driving Practice Log when I started practicing after I got my license. This will continue for a couple of months as I try it out driving with my husband.

Next will be the Driving Log as I try out driving by myself completing each milestone I've set for the given period. These are the challenges that I found difficult to do that I wouldn't want to try at all in the first place. There will always be a goal in this first-year driving experience for me as I gain more self-confidence, learn more about driving in different situations and overcome difficulties.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Buying Cars in Korea

If you buy a car in Korea, you’ll need to pay at least 9% in taxes. Here’s how it breaks down:
  • 7%: Registration tax (must be paid within 15 days of purchase)
  • 2%: Acquisition tax
  • You may also need to pay some government bonds, however, this all depends on the size and model of your vehicle. They will be between 4%-20% of your car’s purchase price.
Your auto taxes will need to be paid every three months. You can do this at any bank.

Registering your used vehicle:
You must register your vehicle within 15 days of purchasing it. If you request it, the car dealership will take care of this for you. Some charge a fee while others don’t. The registration fee will be 5% of the vehicle’s price.

Other things you’ll need:
  • Registration application form
  • ARC + passport
  • Inspection sticker
  • Proof of valid vehicle liability insurance
  • Temporary tag number/license plate (lets you drive for 10 days)
  • Vehicle certificate (if you cannot prove ownership with this, then you’ll also need an ownership certificate).

Odds and Ends
Here are some other important things to keep in mind when you buy a car in Korea:

  1. You will need a valid driver’s license to operate a motor vehicle in Korea. Read WorknPlay’s article on Applying for a Korean Driver’s License to learn more.
  2. You will need a vehicle inspection every two years (unless your vehicle is brand new and received an initial inspection at the time of purchase). The fee is 15,000KRW, and you can read more about the procedure itself on the Korea Transportation Safety Authority website.
  3. Like many countries, you cannot modify your vehicle to have things like monster truck wheels or glowing license plates. Safety first, people!
  4. As always, with the exception of Itaewon, most garage or auto repair centers won’t have an English speaker on-hand. However, most can read English, and if your car is a domestic model, even better. If it’s a major issue though, it’s best to take a Korean friend along with you to avoid any possible miscommunications.
  5. With the purchase of your vehicle, you will need to obtain auto insurance. Visit WorknPlay’s article about Auto Insurance for Foreigners in Korea to find out more.

If you own a vehicle that you wish to sell to someone else be it a foreign national or Korean national, you will require the following documents to transfer ownership:

a. Transfer certificate (issued by the Dong office or Transportation Administration Section of the gu office)
b. Automobile tax payment certificate (issued by the Dong office) or the current car tax payment receipt c. Seal impression certificate (issued by latest Dong office) . If you've gone to the Vehicle Registry you may not require this one.
d. Proof of residence (in Korea)
e. Car registration certificate 

You want to make sure that the new owner (to be) has the following:
a. Liability insurance certificate (proof that coverage has been purchased)
b. Proof of residence.

Repost from worknplay korea.