Monday, October 26, 2015

Checking In for October

The month's almost done. I've made a couple of changes in my schedule this month, starting from Korean language lessons to yoga lessons. I took a break from yoga classes, started online Korean language classes, shifted to language-exchange format rather than attending a regular class, while balancing these with a few gigs here and there.

I've had a few hungry moments in between these classes, saved a few times by the vegetable sandwich at the Subway, finally tasted the Han's Taco which was absolutely spicy even if it was just the plainest one. All I ever tasted in that burrito was spiciness overpowering any other spice if there was any at all.

I also got another offer for a gig so I have to prep the lesson outline before the end of this month. Hopefully, this will also be a regular one. I'm almost done with KIIP (well, until next spring that is). Plus I still got that license to complete, then I can probably start with the Immigration thing. I got to outline those next year as this year is coming to a close pretty soon.

Almost lunch time now, so I got to check on the Miyuk Guk I am boiling for lunch.
State of Mind: Generally contented but still things can get better. And it will keep getting better by next year. It has changed greatly (from zero to three.)
State of Tummy: Hungry. Time for me to Scram! (Just gotta love that word.)

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