Tuesday, October 27, 2015

All in a Day : Knitting and Take 2 for an Apple Pie

There was a meeting downtown that I had to attend even though I had no exact idea about it. The time kept on changing and from 1 to 2:50. I got there around 2 so ended up having to kill 50 minutes.

Heading out of the parking lot, I found myself in front of the knitting shop. I've been there once to check out things but had to hurry out. This time, I had extra time and a little cash with me to buy something under 10K just to get started. It helped that the store owner was willing to teach me to get started. The time just flew by until I realized that it was already three o'clock. Off to the meeting I went.

It took an hour or so to finish the meeting which has dawned upon me to be an internal and complicated one. A little at least for me. I honestly don't want to write much about this except I was surprised to see another fellow pinoy as sort of a guest. I totally had no idea.

I had to stop by at Daiso, my favorite place, to pick put some kitchen things. I impulsively bought an apple corer which did not work as it should be when I tried it out. I ended up peeling two apples that I had to eat or really make into an apple pie finally so I can try out the pan.

This I started before 7 o'clock with only about an hour before my Korean class starts. Surprisingly, I manage except for the clean up. I was able to pop the pie in the oven and had it smelling good before we hit out 10 minute break. Awesomeness. Never had such an exciting 10 minute break. Yet, I had another hour at least to cool it and a Korean lesson to finish. Once we finished, I had no other thought but to attack the pie.

The top crust didn't turn out that well coz I forgot to brush it with milk or sugar in my hurry. I also didn't have enough foil at hand so some part was slightly burned. However, I think it baked well compare to before when I used another pan. Moreover, it didn't turn out to be very sweet this time. I'd say, it turned out better. I ended up eating 1/4 of the whole thing.

I went back to learning knitting before bed with some youtube vid. I hope my interest will be sustained to finish an infinity scarf at least until this winter. I'll go back to gardening next springtime. My husband had been teasing me about my all-the-time changing interests. One thing that might stay around is baking specially this coming winter. It will warm the house with good-smelling edibles to boot. As for knitting, that might be another possibility specially if my sweaty hands will not act out a lot.

My Monday has been an interesting one to say the least. Now, off to finish my apple pie! (I'll have to make another one for P tomorrow afternoon when he gets back from the 3-day camp.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Checking In for October

The month's almost done. I've made a couple of changes in my schedule this month, starting from Korean language lessons to yoga lessons. I took a break from yoga classes, started online Korean language classes, shifted to language-exchange format rather than attending a regular class, while balancing these with a few gigs here and there.

I've had a few hungry moments in between these classes, saved a few times by the vegetable sandwich at the Subway, finally tasted the Han's Taco which was absolutely spicy even if it was just the plainest one. All I ever tasted in that burrito was spiciness overpowering any other spice if there was any at all.

I also got another offer for a gig so I have to prep the lesson outline before the end of this month. Hopefully, this will also be a regular one. I'm almost done with KIIP (well, until next spring that is). Plus I still got that license to complete, then I can probably start with the Immigration thing. I got to outline those next year as this year is coming to a close pretty soon.

Almost lunch time now, so I got to check on the Miyuk Guk I am boiling for lunch.
State of Mind: Generally contented but still things can get better. And it will keep getting better by next year. It has changed greatly (from zero to three.)
State of Tummy: Hungry. Time for me to Scram! (Just gotta love that word.)