If last year, I went for the 7-7 date, this year, I will go for the 7-8-9. Bro informed me to attend some seminar today and I jokingly suggested to have his gf join, which she gamely accepted. We spent quite some time together with P. It was quite cool, so to speak.
What's going on my mind now? I am actually sleepy and can't think very straight. Ah! My shining sink!
I have finally started "flying with my sink">. I've found this nice site a few weeks ago but I just didn't get on with it till I had my kitchen fixed last Tuesday. I was off to a better start with a newly fixed water taps, etc. I don't have any excuses anymore. So far, I'm on my second night now. Tuesday, after starting off with my sink, I also did the 1st room's bathroom. It was such a tremendous job. Both didn't have any big clean up for awhile. At the end of the day, I was barely able to get my sink cleaned up before tumbling into bed. I was really tired. But the feeling of accomplishment was really worth it. I am finally starting.
This week, I had also started back into my physical exercises. Ah, upon checking up on my calendar so far, I had started on the 1st of July. I kind of tried this around New Year but slacked off. My goal at that time was at least 3x a week. This time, I will try to do at least 30 mins, 4 or 5 times a week. I have yet to wake up more early too. So far, after hitting 10 AM wake up time a few weeks ago, I have tried to regain control and slowly worked my way back into 8:30, then 8, and finally 7:30 this morning. Bad thing though was I didn't jumpstart at that time today. SO far, things are looking up. Eeny weeny baby steps.
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