Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Notes from today

Got a lot of stuff to log in today but this will truly remind me of the diary that I used to keep for the longest part of my life; the simple recall of how I spent the day.

Some notes to jot today is the soy milk that I tried to make today. 3 cups of soybean to 5 cups of soaked soybean plus 10-15 cups of water yielding more than half pot (smaller one of my pots) of milk. I did the grind, boil and strain (and boil once more) this time unlike last time where I grind, strain and boil.

The pot is now sitting on the floor of my bedroom. I am keeping a close watch on it since the ants may attack it. Bless them.

Upon looking for the proper ratio between the soy bean and water to use, I stumbled on soy yoghurt. Oh no! Another mission for me to accomplish after I have figured out the proper ratio and coagulant for the tofu. Tofu, then yogurt. I may try that one time with the use of a dairy yogurt and my yogurt maker. (I can finally make use of the y-maker after bringing it over and keeping it for almost a year.)

Shelfing the idea for now, I have yet to turn my attention on the schedule of classes that I need to iron out, after enrolling again this summer.

Phew! Seems like a long summer ahead again.


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