Eating frequently doesn't really happen everyday as I may want it to. Usually, too busy or something to eat,and even skip meals altogother.
These past few days, I had been increasing the frequency of food intake. A week age when most of the stores are closed for the lent season, we we're basically stuck at home with some food needing to be cooked. Flour, egg, and other baking stuff had me baking and baking. Can't remember what exactly. Another craze in my kitchen nowadays is the soy beans. I finally gave the "kong ja bang" a try and Hubby liked it to my surprise and relief. Along with that dish is the tofu and soy milk that I personally liked to try for the longest time. I was able to make both, on trial amount (as previously mentioned here.)
Now what else have I done so far?
Hmm..Thursday, I tried to bake a patty made from soybean leftover. Didn't turn out well. Good thing I also did a banana bread saved from the banana in the freezer (and another one from my Pops) because of the long and frequent power outage these week. Not very sweet one but it was well received by everyone. ;)
Friday, with the continued power outage, we all went to the town's library. We had the ride fixed and had dinner at my fave chix house. Hmm..that means pig out time. Ah, I would prefer to say "chicken out time." After consuming an extra serving of rice at the resto, I still have some rice to eat with the leftover chix that I packed home.
Next day, the we almost everyone weren't feeling well. I don't think it was bcoz of anything that we've eaten yesterday. For me, it's more of a cold caught after staying in an airconditioned room. I sure am a weakling in such rooms since last Wednesday at the school library. My baby finally caught it though, along with a fever. Tsk, tsk. Off for the fever medicine now.
Since everyone's feeling sick this weekend, we're turning on to fruits, juices and rice soup. Discovered a 24 hours rice chicken soup house around the corner and just perfect for the circumstances, as well as the rainy weather since Friday. Got a litre of pineapple juice
Little one requested orange, apple and banana. I added some apple juice. It's time for his dinner.

A regular in the house when we get tired of the rice
or when hubby prefers to eat his spicy noodles.

The trial tofu, looks solid except for the unbecoming shape due to the very limited amount that I tried to make. Ah, the vinegar taste used as a coagulant was also quite strong.
More on the tofu thing, I am still searching for the right coagulating agent. There are still more agents to search for in the market. The epsom salt, kalamansi, and a couple more of chemical compunds that I have yet to fix in my mind. I find the coagulation process pretty interesting. It's a chemical process that yields good tasting food that is healthy. Just imagine a liquid turning into solid with the addition of such agents. Hmm...a lesson in the lab/kitchen.