Saturday, April 29, 2017

The SDA and EGW

Weekends make me ponder on spirituality. The church that I grew up in has it's flaws and has been branded as a cult in some places. This I learned later on when I was in my late teens. Growing up, it has all the good things that a decent person can live and grow up into. The rest day, the food, the healthy lifestyle were all good. Around mid-teens when I started to become more active in the church, joining evangelical programs and youth camps. Yet, it is also at this point that I stumbled and really question the inner workings of the church.

"A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing." or originally "A little learning can be a dangerous thing" ...(Alexander Pope, British poet)

Along the lines also come "Ignorance is a bliss." But I 'm not going that line of thought now. The little learning that I learned made me think about a lot of questions that were left unanswered or if answered, it didn't satisfy my inquisitive mind. I totally didn't buy the whole EGW thing the minute I heard that she is considered as the modern prophet of the church. This got worse when I learned about a set date of second coming failed miserably. It's just like any other groups that try to put out these things and it blows back into their faces. I questioned how the church try to do this evangelism to draw people in but cannot keep the back door to keep them in. It didn't really make me hate the church but I withdrew. I still try to keep the healthy and other lifestyle that makes sense to me. Or if not, some are just out of habit. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing so otherwise. I dared not to dig deeper into it.

I still believe in God. It's a struggle to continue doing so inside or outside the church I grew up in though. I am not looking for another church but to find my own state of spirituality. My dilemma now is being a mom. This is another road to figure out. Part 2.

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Fridge Puzzle

This past few weeks had been a challenging one on how to put together our food. I've seen a lot of fresh produce in the market with the spring season and it made me want to cook a lot of different things. Eggplants, cucumbers, broccoli, zucchini, minari (dropwort) and more! I have to list up the dishes that I want to make in order to keep track or else I won't be able to make anything.

To list:
marinated tofu to fry? (stir fry) or grill/broil as well..
sliced eggplant - to broil?,
cucumber in salt - boil egg and potato for salad
red kidney beans - ?
chicken soup - rice and lots of ginger
freeze the stock--

dishes to empty the freezer:
I've also got bread to toast with butter and garlic.

And there's still this fruit juice that I planned to bake into some sweet bread one of these days.. which I think I can mix with the frozen ground oats I have somewhere.
Boy! I do need to try to cook from the freezer more now. If I were to buy some produce, it would be the staples like garlic, onion and green onion maybe.

But right now, I've tried to grow my own green onion and leeks out in the veranda so let see how it will fare. Sometime later, I will have to prep my ginger box so that I can at least have 3 gingers heads growing fresh in my verandah even if I have some dried ones in my bottle.

Since I got a slight cold this week, I'll have to start the chicken soup today. I can do this!

And here are the results for the day! The leftover tofu broiled in the oven, the leftover salted cucumber from gimbap into a potato salad, the red kidney beans with frozen bell pepper, and onion jang achi, seasoned smoked paprika, cumin amd a bit of sriracha. And last but not the least, the whole wheat bread with an egg replaced by ground flaxseed!

I'll try to build a decent burger with the basic vegies tomorrow: tomatoes, onion, cucumber and lettuce. 

Time to clear up the mess after cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Nah! Nothing about skill but more on energy. Done!