I thought that it was an old one but I can still smell the stench and feel the remaining heat. It must have happened just a few hours earlier. I totally have no idea what caused it for sure but reminded me of possible things that one can leave inside a car that might cause it to burn or even explode. Another possible one would be an LNG car perhaps?
I really have to be mindful of the car whenever I leave it. I should always get this list check before I walk away from it.
1. Side view mirrors tucked in (to prevent getting scratched or something)
2. Windows
3. Trunk
4. Door lock from the key
From inside:IPA
Ignition key locked,
Parking brake ON
Any gadget or plastic water bottle that might dangerous if left inside a hot metal thing.
Other things that I might find handy to have in the car as a new driver:
Umbrella, gloves, wet tissue, the driving book (reading material when waiting), hook behind the passenger's seat for the bags, long umbrella and maybe even the box of tissue. I'll have to google for some ideas how to keep the interior clean and tidy.