Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Clipboard

Clipboard: a board with a clip at the top. (written on the clipboard plastic packaging that I bought recently) 

It used to hold together pieces of paper that you need to carry around, and provides firm base for writing.

It is just now that I have come to appreciate clipboards after my thirty something years of existence. The need came up whenever I had to write my meal, outfit, and lesson plans. It's also seem to be be useful for my Korean language studies.

I had to think, and write the meals and outfits plans while moving around. I can't just seem to finish them off in one sitting. I had to brainstorm all throughout the day and I need to carry the paper around and I need to have a base for writing. It just makes sense to actually use this one now.

I thought it's just for teachers, store clerks or secretaries to use before. I just can't imagine why and how it could be useful for me. Fast forward to thirty years and I am just beginning to understand how I can actually use this.

As for now, I got two which I use for my menu and outfit planner and my teaching LPs. I am quite considering to get another one for my studying plan. That will cost me another 1500 W tomorrow but I'll sleep on it tonight. I've already spent 17K+7K for P's and my school/office supplies this month so far. Sleep on it....:D

Friday, March 13, 2015

Yoga and Kor Class (Spring 2015)

This week has been the start of my busy week schedule. The Korean language class at the center opened this week and I also started going to the yoga class at the same time.

I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not but both classes fell on Mondays and Wednesdays. I do the language class in the mornings and the yoga class in the afternoon.

My first day in the yoga class was a totally whacked one. I got there almost ten minutes late coz I wasn't familiar with the bus schedule heading that way so I had to wait for a while. I caught the 1:50ish bus and even though my destination isn't that far, I still arrived late for my first class. It seemed that there is a bus that comes around one-thirty which will be perfect for me.

The class is pretty popular with middle-aged ladies and even grandmas. There were roughly more than a dozen in the class. I've only seen one who is about my age and I found out on my second day that she comes with her mother-in-law. I am not sure now who got first into the class. Interesting thing to find out later on.

Another surprise was the lone thorn among the roses. I had the courage to ask his age on the second day before class when I got there early only to find another surprise that he is almost 70! Well, come to think of it, that might be a K age so that will put his age at around 67. But still, it was a surprise. He isn't exactly a seasoned one in yoga who has started when he was younger but probably just within the last 5 to 10 years ago. Or maybe even two! It was just funny how the teacher talked about how strange it is to have him take the mat right across from her, with all the poses and everything. And I thought she was just cool with it. But yeah, she wasn't really and it was quite funny.

SO I came in late and there was this obviously older-than-me lady who gave her place and had to get out and come back with a couple more new mats. It turned out that I may not be the only new one in the class. She was kind enough to help me out as I struggle to understand all the instructions Korean and do a copycat for the poses. And even though I am obviously younger than her, I sure feel like the oldest grandma in the room with all the muscle pain I felt during and, definitely more, after the class.

That's what I get for not doing much exercise for the past year, especially this last winter season. I've only taken walks sporadically during the months before winter set in. It wasn't much to count as exercise. I've got my yoga mat sitting and gathering dust in the house ever since we have moved to this first floor unit. It wasn't much interesting to do any stretches here. Hopefully, I will be more inclined to do often once we moved to a higher apartment unit this month. It's just sad to think that I should have signed up for the class last year when I got here. I saw the the flier at the office when we registered our transfer but hubby wasn't not just keen on helping me get in the class.

Now, I have to figure out when my body will get use to the torturous poses that we do in the class. For the first session, my stomach muscles were so sore that I felt I had stomachache the next next day. My back also hurt which really made me feel like an old woman. Good thing that there was a Tuesday break but on my second session, my arms were the sore ones for the next few days. Oh boy! The instructor sure got to my weakest part, the upper body.

We also did flat back poses with a rolled mat in between the leg and the first times on my back was sure hell. Something is really terribly wrong with my lower back. The hospital x-ray I had a few months ago did not reveal anything so I have to try an MRI or a physiotherapist next time. I need to get that flat back as cool as before I gave birth. I had no pain there at all before.

I am just thankful that I survived the whole first week and can get my body recover a bit before the next week's sessions. The main question is...when will I ever finish a class without a lot of after-class body pains?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Apple Waffle Recipe for Pancake

I felt really bad for not being able to print and bring the photos for my son today so I made an extra special pancake as snacks. Found it through the cooking group in fb with someone posting an interesting website with censored wordings but doable recipes.

Used the apple waffle recipe from thug kitchen and my starving son enjoyed it!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Chilling Out in a Ski Resort Parking Lot

Cicada from Deuter Chaitanya Hari is playing while I try to rest my eyes and brain. Chill out time. I try to sleep but I just can't. Listening this music brought back the memories when I was working in the Croc Farm and DPAIR. Nature sound brought me back to those days when I would find myself chilling out in the middle of nowhere by myself. 

I used to have lunch with the crocs or spend the in-between tour sessions hanging out or exploring the crocodile pens in the far back of the farm. It was totally of-limits for the most people and the staff who feed and cleans the area are the only ones venturing out there usually. It was such a safe haven for me to explore the area and just spend time alone. 

Dos Palmas on the other hand have more people stuck on the small island and there were only liited place for the employees to roam around. I'd usually ride bike around the back going to the spa area. The spa area is located at the end of the garden suites by the beach and it's a little off the usually traversed area. A bike ride or even a short walk in between that and the staff dorm is usually refreshing after duty. There's also a small nook behind the marine sports center where I would run to whenever I'd get a call from my then-boyfriend-now-hubby or simply just read a book. 

My job at the front desk was also just a breeze most of the time. It wasn't a very busy time when I was there so the peak time for me was only during check-in time and check out time usually in the morning or afternoon for the day trippers, or closing time if I am on duty that night. Foot traffic in the lobby is not too high except the in-between activities, which are usually far out in the sea or spa, or around after dinner. 

I miss those working days with my lone times at work. Those are the kind of job that I treasure. Just being alone. It doesn't make me lonely. It makes me happy usually. Sure, I also enjoy interacting with different people, but it also gives me moments of just being alone. "Being alone doesn't mean being lonely." One must like his own company quite well to be able to enjoy being alone. 

Dang it! One resort employee just intruded and ruined my writing mood. Haha! He kind of approached the car and started asking me where the driver is, explaining that this parking slot is reserved for "disabled" people and when he mentioned that, I can't help but smile with understanding and simply pointed to the sticker in front of the car. I noticed that he used the term "disable" and not "specially-able." It made me curious what's the politically and most commonly used term round here. 

Oh well! Almost past two! Gotta go!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Winter's End

Winter is almost over. Technically. It is after the first full moon of the lunar new year last Thursday and the last (hopefully) cold snap is gone by yesterday morning. But it's still cold in our ground floor apartment. Cold that it was better and warmer to eat ice cream inside our car in the parking lot without us freezing.

P came back home from school wanting to eat ice cream so we picked up some when we did our grocery yesterday. It was a little windy but one can surely feel the sun's little heat. We ended up enjoying the ice cream inside our car under the sun before heading in. That was one fun and memorable part I think. Or maybe I'm just a bit emotional with the onset of my period. ^^,

We've been busy (or should I say I) for our weekend out-of-town so I may have been a little stress. Not only that, there seem to be a couple of activities that I've signed up before that is all happening this coming week. After I took the level test last Monday, we got a message about the program opening this Monday morning. I thought I can have a little home-rest after our Sunday trip. I just have to get a little more stuff prepared so I can just crash on Sunday and worry a little less for the coming Monday.