Smoking ban in billiard halls, indoor golf driving ranges, swimming pools and other small recreation areas in Korea. It's an interesting article from Korea Times about smoking ban. I just can't help to write my own reaction and idea after reading this.
Key points that took my attention.
(1) There is a NEW law that bans smoking in billiard halls. I find playing billiard to be interesting specially when I was a kid but it has given me a bad picture of billiard halls as I was growing up. Why? Playing itself is not that bad but it is the place and the betting culture that accompanies it that bothers me. The main thing is actually the place where one would usually spot smokers in and around the billiard areas. It's not a place where I would want to hang out with even if I wanted to try to play billiards.
On second thought, I am surprised that it is just now that rec rooms like these are included in the ban.
(2) No food and drinks will NOT be allowed in restaurants' smoking rooms. That's a progressive one. Since smoking rooms now means a place where you can eat, drink and smoke. But not anymore. (This will start on January 1, 2015 next year.)
That is one good thing to look forward for the coming year for me.