I turned 2 _ this year. Looking back to where am I in my life, this is what kept me busy this last year. I managed a year of teaching part-time in a school with regular setting, my kid pre-school life is done, and went on a few trips in between.
My concerns has been about home and being a Mom. Now that we're on the formal grades, the pressure on being a Mother gets stronger. We had to face learning the Fil language, keep up with other academic and non-academic activities and attend to my kid's physiological needs: food, exercise, sleep etc.) The daily grind of these can really be daunting. The only reward is that our child will turn out well as he should be.
My current worries at this point are school related: his and mine. I don't want to be a Tiger Mom (I have yet to read that book thoroughly, though.) I have to spend a great deal of tutoring him on two of his subjects, Filipino and Makabayan. What I don't understand is why the latter subject is done in Tagalog while we used to learn it in English during my time in the same school? But of course, the subject title itself is "Patriotic," so that should explain everything. (Duh.. Really, we are not that very patriotic family.)
As for the subject Filipino, I hope my language teaching learning will come to use as I tutor my kid in the subject which I really didn't do very well when I was in school. :( I will just have to keep in mind other foreigners who are good learning the language as an inspiration.
Another one is the extra-curricular activity. During the first week, the kids were encouraged to join singing or dancing school groups. My kid was not interested in any of it. But upon more prodding, we decided that he can try learning an instrument and join a school musical group. So aside from the morning and afternoon school load, he still has two days after-school activity. I will have to find another time for us to do our tutorial sessions. I started attending the meetings and getting more information on the music group. These had me thinking that it might be a good idea for him to try the school newspaper too. Hmm..this might take another extra work for both of us though.
Less worry for me are the other subjects like Character Education, English, Math and Science which are all in English. It's a good thing that we have started on MES subjects long ago and he's pretty much "there" on these subjects. We can concentrate more on the Fil subjects until he is more comfortable with the language. I would just have to constantly keep in mind not to totally slack on these subjects as these are his strong ones.
That is just for my kid's school. On my own part, I have to finally write the "paper" this semester or else. I would really have to be consistent in focusing my powers and free time in writing that. It's been hanging on my head for a year and it;s about time. Target date: August 15.
End of June : I should be able to scrape all my related lits
wk 2 of July: Write Chap 1, and check
wk 4 of July: Write Chap 2, and check
wk 1 of Aug: Write Chap 3, and check
Mid- Aug: present for Res 1
Crossing my fingers with fervent prayers that I will accomplish this.